ITU World Championships Rotterdam

We had a great crew of 22 races form Trilogy Triathlon Club travelling to Rotterdam for the Triathlon Age Group World Championships. We all meet up the week before we traveled to drop our bikes with Ship my Tri bike and show off our new tracksuits.
I traveled over on Thursday morning and a good few club mates and other Irish athletes on the plane. Thursday was about settling into Apartment (which had amazing 17th floor views over the city. Thanks to Taco, Niall and Madeline for being great easy going travel companions) registering and avoiding the incessant rain.
Friday we picked up our bikes and did a reccie of the bike course (again in the rain). The bike course was crazy, approx 50 x 90 degree plus turns, 4 or 5 u-turns, including a ramp up a stairs, 100 metres through an underground car park and most of it on narrow cycle lanes. We couldn't believe it but it was what it was and certainly the most technical triathlon bike course I have ever seen or even heard off.
The opening parade was cancelled (rain again) but the opening party was great fun and held in an amazing medieval church. Lots of photos of team ireland as well as plenty of photo bombs.
Saturday we had the Irish team briefing which went on forever due to complexity of transitions, race morning logistics and bike route. Did a short spin and run just to keep the legs fresh and went and watched the elite mens race. Super competitive race which was only decided in the last km with Vincent Luis winning and Mario Mola coming 3rd but winning the series. Great to see Russel White in the mix right through the bike leg and coming in 15th overall. Time then for racking our bikes which took ages and then feet up for the rest of the evening.
Early start on Sunday morning for me and it was dry for a change. Walked down to T2 - dropped in my runners then down to the river to get the ferry transfer across to T1. Checked bike, put water, nutrition and shoes on bike and went back down to swim start. Running a bit behind schedule so had some time to kill. Met up with Fergus and Byrno (old colleagues from UB).
Wetsuit on, finish bag dropped off and then into our swim Corral. Good bit of waiting as the other waves went off. Finally, our turn - down onto the pontoon and find a spot in the line up.
Into the water and noticed the guy beside me was lining up for a massive kick off so decided i'd try to drift in behind him. On your marks, GO (no "get set" in Holland!). Took about 20 strokes and then had a look to see where my mate was - he was gooone - about 20 metres ahead of me and the rest of the pack which were still pretty level. Head down and tried to get into a rhythm. Long stretch to the first buoy and the water was very still and not congested. I was enjoying this. Nosed ahead of a few guys around me and felt like I was on my own. could see a splattering of people ahead of me. around first two bouys and then got on some toes to the 3rd bouy but ditched and pushed past him and on to the exit ramp. Swim felt good and consistent but didn't really get any draft advantage. Had a glimpse at my watch on exit 25.20 which is good for me.
About 700m run to T1 so kept the wetsuit sleeves on for most of it and then striped when closer to T1. Getting clothes off is my strongest discipline so wetsuit off in no time and into the bag, grabbed my bike and away I went.
Bike route started by going back towards swim exit, over a pedestrian bridge, sharp left, sharp right and sharp right again (all on a harbour wall). 1k straight then 180' turn onto Erasmus bridge, 180' turn off bridge, swing down in under bridge and then back up ramp build onto stairway, etc. etc. you get the idea. The course did open up a bit as we got out of the centre but still no sections longer than 1km without a sharp turn or a speed bump. Overall, worked hard on the bike, tried to tackle the turns as strongly as I could and build speed steadily after. I got passed by a 2 or 3 of the leaders of an earlier (and younger) wave on their 2nd lap but was constantly passing people. The dry conditions made the technical bike course manageable and even enjoyable by the 2nd lap. Great support from the Trilogy and Irish crew at the turnaround point so drove onto the 2nd lap with a smile on  my face - I was really enjoying this. I was averaging closed to 35kph on the bike which was good given the course.
Into T2 and a textbook dismount and strong run to my rack, runners on - helmet off and out onto the run.
The run went along the road for a km and then a very windy track through the park. Held a good pace starting off and tried to maintain it. Pace started to drop a bit but we were under deep tree cover so I think my Garmin was missing its gps points. Concentrated on pushing as hard as I could through to halfway. Out in the middle of the park was Elvis cheering on the runners "My name is Seamus and my knees are weak ah ha" he sang as I passed by. On I ran with a smile on my face. Fergus gave a shout through the trees as he started to catch me. He would normally catch me very early on the run so happy I lasted to 4km or so. Back onto the road and then back in 2nd loop. I felt my pace was dropping so tried to pick out runners to pass but there seemed to be more passing me than there were ahead. A good few were in my wave. I tried to latch onto a few of these but most were travelling way to hard. I wasn't enjoying this. Finally, an American guy came past and I latched onto him and stuck with him for 500m, passed him going up a hill but he passed me again on the flat but clung on until about 1km to go and then the gap slowly opened. I was pretty tired at this stage but gave one last push. A few others came by me with 400m to go but I was done surging. Onto the blue carpet - grabbed an Irish flag from Sharon D and over the line with flag flying high and a smile on my face.
I did really enjoy this race.
Overall I was 69th.
My swim time was 25:30 which is a PB on that distance (I've swam quicker but its always been short of full 1500m).
Cycle was 1:04 for 38km so an average of 34.8kph and really happy with that.
Run was 40.50 also a PB. Last quickest 10k in a triathlon was 5 years ago (before ankle and achilles repairs) and was 42 something. so really delighted with that.
I was 15th fastest T1 and 8th fastest in T2 (need to enter the speed stripping world champs!).
Very happy overall and a great finish to a good season for me.
Thanks to all my club mates for all the support and laughs over the weekend and season.
Thanks to Steph and the kids for all the support and encouragement - maybe we need to change the "break a leg" mantra.


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