
Showing posts from August, 2017

Dublin Ironman 70.3

I had missed out on the first two Dublin IM70.3 due to different priorities over the last couple of years but was really keen to give this a go when it’s so close to home. The swim course in Scotsman's bay in Dun Laoghaire looked very enticing plus the added attraction of 90km of closed roads on the bike and a flat run in the Phoenix Park. An early start on Saturday meant registration and bike racking formalities were easy and stress free. We even had time for a practice swim and home in time for Lunch and before the crowds descended on Dun Laoighaire.  Pity the same can't be said for the bus transfer from Phoenix park on Sunday with a couple of hundred athletes left waiting over 40 mins for a bus meaning that we had literary 2 mins in transition before race start. I got bike and nutrition set up rapidly and a sprint in my wetsuit down to the swim start meant I was well warmed up. The self-seeding rolling wave start was the most orderly start I've seen to a tria